10 Tips for Start-Up's
Be Better Tomorrow than you are yesterday
This is hard standard to live up-to. It takes hard work, and it's not always even possible. Nevertheless, we continually try to outdo ourselves with each project we take on. There is nothing we do today will be good enough tomorrow. There is no pinnacle to attain, and as such there's no boundary or limit we place on our success.
Never Be Afraid To Hire Those Who Are Smarter Than You
You Cant't possibly be an expert on all things.So, build a team of people who complement your own skill set. That's how you build a company of giants. Surround yourself with those who share the passion and vision of where you want to go, and who want to help you get there.
Never Be Complacent In Your Success
With every award we've won or accolade we've earned, we savor the moment, while still knowing that we need to do better tomorrow. You need to be always actively engaged in the future planning of your business.
Don't Let Your Ego Get In The Way
You hate it when clients don't trust your expertise. Don't do the same thing to those professionals you hire as employees, or vendors. Let them do their thing.
It's Business First, a Love Affair Second
Early on, I made the mistake of thinking that as long I was doing what I loved, that was enough. I thought that love alone was a big part of my compensation. But after starting a family, I quickly learned that it was not. I also leaned that you can be passionate and still be compensated family.
Follow Your Passion, Ans The Work Follows
I found out early on how passionate I am about branding. I studied all I could about it. I knew how critical it would be for our success, to become an expert on it. I wrote several books and lot of articles, and brands did in fact become the backbone of our success. Find your own passion, and follow it through.
Your Work Is Part Of Your Expense
The extra effort you put into your work is part of your advertise expense. You Recoup that investment on the next job. And the next after that, as the level of the work gets better, it becomes more sought after, and your pricing reflects demand.
Surround Yourself With Those Who Admire
Build a team of people whom you admire and can grow personally from. Remove from your circles those who attempt to bring you down, or tell you that you can't do something or continue to blame their own failures or external circumstances.
Ninety-five Percent Of Something Is Better Than Percent Of Nothing
Don't let the pursuit of total perfection stop the forward progress of your goals. Many people get hung up on having something that's absolutely perfect, and thus no forward progress is attained as they wait to achieve "Perfection".
Contracts Are Your Best Friends
Be Professionals at every step of the way, and use contracts for every job. Too many misunderstanding can occur without contracts. Get something written up, not only to protect your interests, but to insulate you from liability.
Read Our Article on How To Create A Brand here- https://advefamemarketing.blogspot.in/2017/11/create-brand_55.html
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