Small Business Advertising Ideas
The Yellow Page
Al-tough use of the printed yellow pages is on the decline, there's still a lot of people who use the yellow pages to find the business they're looking for- and they won't find you if your small business isn't listed there. Get the biggest printed yellow page ad you can afford, the more visibility the better.
Newspaper Advertising
Beside Box ads and advertising inserts, local newspapers also often offer special advertising features showcasing particular businesses - all powerful small business adverting opportunities. Don't overlook special interest newspapers as an advertising idea if they exist in your area. They may be delivered to exactly the audience you want to reach
Direct Mail
Direct Mail can b very effective small business advertising and is much more favorable received than other direct media, such as email or telemarketing and even you don't have a mailing list, you can still geographically target your mail.
Magazine Advertisements
This advertising idea can be a very effective way of reaching a target market. The trick is to choose the magazines or e-zines that best match the market you're targeting.
Business Cards
Sure, they're advertising. Even time you hand one out to a prospective client or customer, you're advertising your small business. But why not to take this advertising idea further and Make your business card a Marketing Vechicle.
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